Common Marketing Questions by Founders

Christy Johnson, VP of Marketing at OCEAN, and Kendra Ramirez, CEO and founder of the Kendra Ramirez Digital Agency, have answered some popular questions surrounding marketing. They take a quick dive into some of the problems entrepreneurs are facing and give them answers that will help. How do I be mindful of different types of learners […]
What it Really Costs to Run a Business

God has endowed us with five assets — Five Capitals — all with profound, underlying biblical principles: Spiritual: your relationship and connection with God. (Matthew 22:36-38) Relational: relationships, family, friends, and connection with others. (Matthew 22:39) Physical: vitality, energy, health, and time. (Romans 12:1) Intellectual: ideas, insights, knowledge, expertise, and intelligence. (Proverbs 22:29, Romans 12:2) […]
Creation and its Goodness

“The act of “creating” is to bring (something) into existence.” We have all created something. Whether it’s been a project for school or work, a really delicious meal for dinner, or literally bringing a human life into this world, creation happens all around us every day and that is why creation is a goodness Why […]
Know Customer, or No Business

A funny thing happened on the way to building my business. I was giddy with confidence that this idea was the next best mouse trap and was sure to sell like hotcakes! I was finding solutions to my problems! It was such a good idea. If you don’t believe me, just ask my family and […]
Pursuing a God Sized Vision for Your Life

Every entrepreneur is a visionary, but every vision is like playing with fire. Vision is a picture of a preferred future. It is asking yourself the question, where will my life be in 3, 5, or 10 years? What is God’s vision for your life, business, marriage, kids, education, career, health, finances, relationships, and faith? […]