Personal Service
The most popular business model entrepreneurs bring through our Genesis Entrepreneurship Training is a personal service business. Around 42% of all the businesses in our Genesis program are a personal service business.
What is a personal service business model? Essentially, it is when you provide your personal skill and improve an area of someone’s life. This can include fitness trainers, relationship counselors, handyman, barber/hair stylist etc. Kari Kelly from Atypical Workplace and Shane Pergrem from True Artists Studio are alumni examples! They are just a few of the personal service founders that have gone through our Genesis Training.
High Tech
Another popular business model from our Genesis alumni is a high tech business. High Tech businesses can range from App creation to a brand new technology that you created. This can have a very high risk/reward model as the current fast moving state that is technology.
Everyday we see Apps shoot up the charts as money is being thrown at them left and right. Jon and Carrie Alexander who are alumni who have founded the High Tech enterprise RocketWagon. They have proven the High Tech business model to be scalable and one of the prime businesses to start.
Entrepreneur Readiness Workbook
Thinking of launching a new side-hustle or branching out into your own business?
Download an interactive I Am Ready Workbook that will help you figure out if you’re ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneur Readiness Workbook
Thinking of launching a new side-hustle or branching out into your own business?
Download an interactive I Am Ready Workbook that will help you figure out if you’re ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship.