What Is A Venture Studio?
A venture studio is a next-level startup accelerator centered on building companies in-house versus investing in external founders.
What Does a Startup Accelerator Do?
Startup accelerators are fixed-term, cohort-based programs meant to produce viable, investment-ready ventures through intensive mentorship, strategic planning, and training.
What Is An Incubator?
Incubators provide infant startups with time, space, and support at foundational stages.
Accelerator vs Incubator
Startup accelerators and incubators both aim to help early-stage startups succeed, but they approach it in different ways. While the programs overlap, we’ll look at a few key distinctions between these launchpads for entrepreneurs.
What Is A Startup Accelerator?
A startup accelerator is a program designed to help early-stage startups grow quickly by providing education, mentoring, and financing.
What Happens When Leaders Get Away, Slow Down, and Listen
Refuge carries out their mission of “keeping the best leaders in the game for the whole game” by creating shared experiences. Those shared experiences then create trust, which creates vulnerability. Vulnerability for leaders creates transformation.